Andreu Cecilia

PhD Automatic Control

My Biography

I received the B.Eng. degree in industrial engineering, the double M.Sc. degree in automatic control/industrial engineering and the PhD in automatic control, robotics and vision from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, in 2017, 2020 and 2022, respectively. In 2022-2023, I worked as a post-doctoral researcher at LAGEPP, Lyon, France. I am currently working as a post-doctoral researcher at UPC, Barcelona. My research interests include observers, nonlinear system theory and its application to energy systems and cybersecurity.

PhD Andreu Cecilia


Journal papers

  1. Puleston, T., Cecilia, A., Costa-Castelló, R., & Serra, M. (2024) Nonlinear observer for online concentration estimation in vanadium flow batteries based on half-cell voltage measurements, Computers & Chemical Engineering, (accepted).
  2. Cecilia, A., Astolfi, D., Bin, M., & Costa-Castelló, R. (2024) Cancelling output disturbances in observer design through internal model filters Automatica, 162, 111529.
  3. Cecilia, A. Astolfi, D., & Costa-Castelló, R. A New Nonlinear Observer for Liquid Water Estimation in Fuel Cells. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (accepted).
  4. Cecilia, A., Serra, M., & Costa-Castelló, R. (2024) Real-time parameter estimation of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell in absence of excitation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 52 B, 37-48
  5. Cecilia, A., & Costa-Castelló, R. (2023). Estimation of the liquid water saturation in PEM fuel cells: A low-power peaking-free dead-zone observer approach.ISA transactions,140, 368-384.
  6. Puleston, T., Cecilia, A., Costa-Castelló, R., & Serra, M. (2023) Vanadium redox flow batteries real-time State of Charge and State of Health estimation under electrolyte imbalance condition. Journal of Energy Storage, 68, 107666.
  7. Martí-Florences, M., Cecilia, A., & Costa-Castelló, R. (2023). Modelling and Estimation in Lithium-Ion Batteries: A Literature Review.Energies,16(19), 6846.
  8. Clemente, A., Cecilia, A., & Costa-Castelló, R. (2023). Online state of charge estimation for a vanadium redox flow battery with unequal flow rates. Journal of Energy Storage, 60, 106503.
  9. Martí-Florences, M.; Cecilia, A..; Clemente, A.; Costa-Castelló, R. SoC Estimation in Lithium-Ion Batteries with Noisy Measurements and Absence of Excitation.Batteries2023,9, 578.
  10. Cecilia, A., & Costa-Castelló, R. (2022). Addressing the relative degree restriction in nonlinear adaptive observers: A high-gain observer approach. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 359(8), 3857-3882.
  11. Cecilia, A., Sahoo, S., Dragičević, T., Costa-Castelló, R., & Blaabjerg, F. (2021). On Addressing the Security and Stability Issues Due to False Data Injection Attacks in DC Microgrids—An Adaptive Observer Approach. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 37(3), 2801-2814.
  12. Cecilia, A., Serra, M., & Costa-Castelló, R. (2021). Nonlinear adaptive observation of the liquid water saturation in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 492, 229641.
  13. Cecilia, A., Sahoo, S., Dragičević, T., Costa-Castelló, R., & Blaabjerg, F. (2021). Detection and mitigation of false data in cooperative dc microgrids with unknown constant power loads. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 36(8), 9565-9577.
  14. Cecilia, A., & Costa-Castelló, R. (2020). High gain observer with dynamic deadzone to estimate liquid water saturation in pem fuel cells. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial, 17(2), 169-180.
  15. Cecilia, A., Carroquino, J., Roda, V., Costa-Castelló, R., & Barreras, F. (2020). Optimal energy management in a standalone microgrid, with photovoltaic generation, short-term storage, and hydrogen production. Energies, 13(6), 1454.

Conference Papers

  1. Cecilia A., Astolfi D., Casadei G., Costa-Castelló R. & Nesic D., A masking protocol for private communication and attack detection in nonlinear observers, 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Singapore, Singapore, 2023, pp. 7495-7500.
  2. Zoboli S., Cecilia A., Serres U., Astolfi D. & Andrieu V., LMI conditions for k-contraction analysis: a step towards design, 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Singapore, Singapore, 2023, pp. 1903-1910.
  3. Cecilia, A., & Costa-Castelló, R (2021). On state-estimation in weakly-observable scenarios and implicitly regularized observers. In 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Austin, TX, USA, 2021, pp. 3996-4001.
  4. Clemente A. , Cecilia A. & Costa-Castelló R. SOC and diffusion rate estimation in redox flow batteries: An I&I-based high-gain observer approach. In 2021 European Control Conference (ECC), Delft, Netherlands, 2021, pp. 1640-1644.
  5. Cecilia, A., & Costa-Castelló, R. (2021). Library-based adaptive observation through a sparsity-promoting adaptive observer. In 2021 European Control Conference (ECC), Delft, Netherlands, 2021, pp. 2187-2192.
  6. Cecilia, A., Serra, M., & Costa-Castelló, R. (2020). PEMFC state and parameter estimation through a high-gain based adaptive observer. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53(2), 5895-5900.


  1. Cecilia, A. Advances in Nonlinear Observer Design for State and Parameter Estimation in Energy Systems, Springer Theses, 2023.

Submitted Papers (Under review)

  1. Cecilia A., Zoboli S.,Astolfi D., Serres U. & Andrieu V. , Generalized Lyapunov conditions for k-contraction: analysis and feedback design, under review -IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
  2. Chen T., Cecilia, A., Astolfi, D., Wang, L., Liu, Z. & Su, H., Chaotic Masking Protocol for Secure Communication and Attack Detection in Remote Estimation of Cyber-Physical Systems, under review, 4th IFAC Conference of Modelling, Identification and Control of nonlinear systems.
  3. Zoboli S. & Cecilia, A., k-contraction analysis for discrete-time systems, under review, 4th IFAC Conference of Modelling, Identification and Control of nonlinear systems.
  4. Zoboli S., Cecilia, A. & Tarbouriech S., Quadratic abstractions for k-contraction, under review, 2024 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

  • 2024 - Non linear Control Systems (24 h)
  • 2023 - Modelling, Identification and Simulation of Dynamical Systems (7,5 h)
  • 2023 - Fuel Cells (4 h)
  • 2021-2022 - Dynamical Systems (45 h) and Automatic Control (12 h)

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

  • 2023 Automatique 1 (16 h) and Automatique des Systèmes Dynamiques Linéaires 1 (12 h)


  • 2018-2022 - Doctoral degree in Automatic Control, Robotics and Vision, Univ. Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC)
  • 2017-2020 - Master's degree in Industrial Engineering, Univ. Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC)
  • 2017-2020 - Master's degree in Automatic Control and Robotics, Univ. Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC)
  • 2013-2017 - Bachelor's degree in Industrial Technology Engineering, Univ. Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC)


  • ACROBA (Spanish/EU grant) with UPC-INCIBE - Participant 2023-2026

  • MASHED (Spanish/EU grant) with UPC - Participant 2023-2024

  • MAFALDA (Spanish/EU grant) with UPC - Participant 2022-2024

  • PTI+ TRANS-ENER (Spanish/EU grant) with UPC - Participant 2021-2022

  • DOVELAR (Spanish/EU grant) with UPC - Participant 2019-2022

Ph.D. Students

  • Energy management in hybrid storage systems
  • 2023 - Current Miquel Martí - Doctoral Programme Automatic Control, Robotics and Vision (UPC)
  • Control-oriented cyber-security in electrical grids
  • 2024 - Current Pol Baldomà - Doctoral Programme Automatic Control, Robotics and Vision (UPC)

Bachelor/M. Sc. Students

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Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Avinguda Diagonal, 647, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

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